Sunday, January 06, 2019

New Years Vacation - Grand Canyon and Downtown Chicago

I captured some dramatic shots of the Grand Canyon and downtown Chicago during two different flights I took around the New Years 2019 time period. Visits with family in Dallas, Kansas City, and Omaha were good, but the return home was arduous to say the least. A series of Pacific cyclones impacted California as I attempted to return back west to Eureka, CA. I departed Omaha during the morning of January 5th and made a 1-2 hour flight to O'Hare in Chicago. I then learned that my eventual connections to San Francisco and Eureka had been canceled due to strong winds and heavy rain. I spent the next 9 hours in O'Hare, wandering mindlessly from terminal to terminal in order to pass the time. I then flew to Denver at 9pm on the 5th, and slept on the floor of DIA until 7am on January 6th, at which point I flew to San Francisco, and waited until 6pm before finally flying north to Eureka. In total, I spent nearly 36 straight hours inside 5 different airports and/or on connecting flights. Still, as previously mentioned, I got some cool pictures, which are posted below.

The Grand Canyon.
Toroweap section of the Grand Canyon. A prominent fault runs north to south along the obvious valley in the middle of the picture, with volcanics located to its left, and the western edge of the Colorado Plateau located to its right.
The Grand Canyon.
Downtown Chicago.
Downtown Chicago.

High Spur Canyon // Utah

 High Spur Canyon, located northeast of Hanksville, Utah and on the western edge of Canyonlands, is a fantastic adventure that awaits those ...