Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Another Ascent Up Salmon Mountain

My coworker Zahaira Velez and myself made quick work of Salmon Mountain during late June. This is my second ascent of the mountain during the past month. It's a great hike in a beautiful wilderness so no complaints on my part. We passed a group of people improving the trail for horses, and it turns out I met the leader during a TREX prescribed burn last October. I hope we will meet agin this fall. Zahaira and I followed up Salmon Mountain the next day with a hike around the wild shoreline of Trinidad and the redwoods of Arcata. It's good to get outside during this period of covid madness.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Trinidad, CA and a Birthday Hike in Prairie Creek State Park

Kristin Bowman and myself enjoyed the beach scenery in Trinidad, CA on June 11th, and then followed that with a hike in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park on my birthday, June 12th. We walked a trail I've done numerous times in the past, heading north on the Foothill Trail, then heading uphill on the Rhododendron Trail before heading downhill on the Cal-Barre Road. We were in the rain most of the hike, but it was still fun. We ended the day eating a vegan concoction for dinner, as well as cherry cheesecake.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

Canyon Creek Lake

My coworker Zahaira Velez and myself did a 16 mile roundtrip out-and-back to Canyon Creek Lake in the Trinity Alps located in Northern California. The scenery was a mirror image of the granite spires typical of the Sierra Nevada located well to the southeast. We hiked 7 miles up trail and then reached a creek crossing. I wimped out and crawled across a set of logs spanning the creek, while Zahaira was more brave and did a balance beam act across the logs that put me to shame. We reached the lower Canyon Creek Lake a mile later and soaked in glacially carved sidewalls towering above the U-shaped valley. A storm was rolling in and it actually started to snow and sleet at our elevation (around ~5,500 feet MSL)...snow in June!...we took one last look at the lake and then booked it back downhill.

Buckskin Gulch and Paria River via Wire Pass // Utah

I hiked from Wire Pass through Buckskin Gulch to the Paria River as a day hike during late March. Total mileage was 30 miles, which I finish...