Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mount Saint Helens - May 2021

 Carly Kovacik and myself made an attempt on Mount Saint Helens on May 24th. Unfortunately the weather window for the summit was closed. We received an unfortunate one-two punch of bad weather, getting drenched by light to moderate rain while ascending the lower slopes, and then being pummeled by 20-40 mph winds and snow/sleet near 7000 feet. Our clothing was soaked as we worked our way up above the freezing level, including gloves, which led to hands turning into blocks of ice as we encountered strengthening winds blowing across the upper slopes. Adding insult to injury, my crampons kept coming off, which seemed like a bad omen as we reached steep snow near the summit. The mountain gods were conspiring against us during this climb, which we recognized 500 to 1000 feet below the rim of the volcano. We turned around to climb again another day. May weather can sometimes be fickle in the Cascades...maybe we will try snow covered Saint Helens during the off season of winter 2022. 

I took one picture during this miserable hike of Chocolate Falls while descending back to the trailhead, and I also grabbed a screen capture of our gps route. Carly donated some of her GoPro video as well...I particularly like the glissade.

Google map location is here.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Long Canyon to Deer Creek Pass

 I hiked Long Canyon for the second time in two years. The route was as scenic as ever, with mountain spires towering over both sides of a U-shaped valley located above treeline. However, one major difference from two years ago was a stark lack of snowpack. I eventually encountered a solid snowfield at the pass, but the ground was mainly dry in the valley below. This speaks to the emerging drought and water crisis that California will be facing during the coming summer and fall. Otherwise, I lost the trail due to snow during the last half mile to the pass. I bushwhacked straight up a rotten slope of loose rock and dirt, and then traversed a long snowfield that led to my destination, Deer Creek Pass. On the way back down, I followed day-old footsteps that helped me regain the true route down the pass. I had fun plunging down snow slopes for half an hour. I then exited the snow and took the familiar trail back to my truck. This was approximately a ten mile hike, starting at an elevation of 3800 feet and ending at around 7500 feet.

Google map location is here.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

Yearly Salmon Mountain Hike

A day off on May 1st gave me an opportunity to hike Salmon Mountain, a peak I've come to enjoy hiking during early spring when the snow pack is deep in the upper elevations of the Klamath Mountains. As is typical of early May, I had to park about a half mile from the Salmon Mountain trailhead due to very deep snow covering the road I was driving on. I made my way through dense forest, after passing the trailhead, and grazed upon a landscape modified by wildfire (or a prescribed burn) occurring during the past year. The last half mile to the summit was a fun slog up steep snow covered slopes. Dense clouds broke as I reached the top and I was given peaks at the surrounding mountains in between cloud breaks. The descent back to my truck was non-eventful, with the exception of a brief slide down a snow slope. Once again, another great inaugural mountain climb on Salmon Mountain.

Google map location is here.

High Spur Canyon // Utah

 High Spur Canyon, located northeast of Hanksville, Utah and on the western edge of Canyonlands, is a fantastic adventure that awaits those ...