Monday, June 21, 2021

Mount Jumbo - Juneau, Alaska

 Carly and I ascended steep root covered slopes to the snowfields of Mount Jumbo during mid June. We followed another parties trail for a while. Those steps ended, and we ascended based on my memory of the route from 5+ years ago. The crux of the route turned out to be a snowbridge that led to a moderately steep headwall. We ascended the headwall via rock, grass, and snow, and then made quick work of snowfields that led to the summit of Jumbo. After 30 minutes of basking in glorious southeast Alaska sunshine, we went back down. There were some sketchy down climbs through snow slopes angled 30+ degrees, but we managed to conquer them all in somewhat inglorious style. Finally, after 6 hours, we finished the mountain. It was a fun outing...we experienced a little bit of everything, from root climbing, bushwhacking, route finding, and steep snowy mountaineering. After our day in the mountains, we spent an evening with Wes Adkins at the Downtown Juneau McGivney's...much laughter and storytelling was had.

YouTube video is here: []. Google map location is here.

Gastineau/Gold Mountain - Juneau, Alaska

 Carly and I set off toward the Mount Roberts Tram with the intention of ascending Gastineau Peak during mid June. We made good pace past the tram, then ascended the long ridge toward Gastineau. Skies cleared partially and the views became epic. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the final section leading to the summit of Gastineau, a long giant cornice came into view. We did not have the gear to safely tackle the cornice, so we turned toward an easier destination, Gold Mountain. The views were just as rewarding from Golds, and I was happy to simply experience a high alpine environment despite missing out on Gastineau. After Golds, we made quick work back to the trailhead and celebrated our day in the mountains with pizza and beer at the Island Pub on Douglas Island.

YouTube video is here: []. Google map location is here.

Mendenhall Glacier - Juneau, Alaska

 Carly and I trekked out to Mendenhall Glacier during mid June. The route to the glacier was just as much of a jungle as I last remembered it to be. There were a few bruises here or there due to wet rocks and roots, and route finding was complex due to abundant plant growth concealing past routes. Nevertheless we made it to the glacier. There has been a tremendous amount of glacial decay since I last visited five years ago. What was once an ice cave is now a rocky stream devoid of any ice. The glacier has retreated hundreds of yards, and it has become vertically thin. In some sense sad, but this is our ever-changing dynamic planet in action.

YouTube video is here: []. Google map location is here.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Stoney Ridge - Trinity Alps

 I hiked 5 miles and ascended 3000 feet to the Stoney Ridge Pass in the Trinity Alps on my birthday, June 12th. Upon arriving at the pass, I met two women who were resting before advancing west beyond the rocky prominence. My next objective was Red Mountain. I climbed up a ridgeline into the clouds and reached a point that might be Red Mountain, but I can't say for sure due to near zero visibility resulting from thick cloud cover. I will have to come back, likely in the fall, and definitively obtain the summit in clear skies. Nevertheless, it was a fun outing in the mountains. Pictures and video are posted below.

Google map location is here.

High Spur Canyon // Utah

 High Spur Canyon, located northeast of Hanksville, Utah and on the western edge of Canyonlands, is a fantastic adventure that awaits those ...