Monday, November 29, 2021

Gibson Cirque & Granite Lake

 I made an attempt on the summit of Gibson Peak in the Trinity Alps during late November, but got turned back by dwindling daylight and the need to return home in order to prep for a day shift in 12 hours. All was not lost though...I made it high up onto the slopes of Gibson and had a chance to explore the granite slabs that made up its former glacial cirque. I also gained an awesome view of Mount Shasta, and a lofty perspective of Granite Lake. Warm dry late November weather is not helping the California drought, but it is appreciated by those like me who want a few more treks into the alpine zone.

YouTube video is located here: []. Google map location is here.

December 28, 2024 TX/LA/MS Tornado Episode

 An outbreak of tornadoes occurred from southeast TX into MS on 28 December 2024. One corridor of long-track/long-duration tornado activity ...