I made an attempt for the summit of Mount Shasta during middle May, but had to turn around halfway up Avalanche Gulch due to 1) poor snow conditions leading to constant uphill shin to knee-deep post-holing, and 2) poorly fitted boots that were cutting deep blisters into my heels. The weather would have been perfect at the summit that day, but it was not to be. Nevertheless, this was a good early season test of equipment and endurance, and I still got plenty of vert and views, so not all was lost.
Monday, May 29, 2023
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Scenes From Pennsylvania and Delaware
I spent a few days in early May 2023 in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Delaware happens to be the 49th state I've experienced...only North Dakota is left on my list. While in the great state of Delaware, I visited Brandywine Creek State Park, as well as the old old town of New Castle. Brandywine is the site of the former DuPont gunpowder factory, while New Castle is full of ancient colonial charm. Jessop's Tavern in New Castle was particularly awesome. During my last day out east, I also had the chance to hike 5 miles on the Appalachian Trail, along the Lehigh Gap section in Pennsylvania. The first mile of that hike was fun scrambling up a rocky ridge slope. Thereafter, the remainder of the hike was around 4 miles of mainly flat ridge walking with views occasionally opening up within forest clearings. It was my first AT experience, and the interactions with AT through hikers was fun...check out my YouTube video of the Appalachian Trail hike here.
High Spur Canyon // Utah
High Spur Canyon, located northeast of Hanksville, Utah and on the western edge of Canyonlands, is a fantastic adventure that awaits those ...

After working a midnight shift, I slept 3-4 hours, woke up at 130 pm, did a data check, dropped off a rent check, and then headed north on ...
I hiked 1.5 miles up to Strawberry Rock, a sea stack that has risen high above the ocean due to tectonic processes, which is located near th...
Hiked the Sheep Creek Trail located a few miles south of Juneau, AK during mid March. Perfect weather, buoyant clouds, scattered light snow...