Sunday, December 09, 2012

Meat Slab

On Saturday December 9th, Cindy McCloskey and myself climbed several routes on the Meat Slab wall, which is located in The Narrows, a canyon in the southwestern portion of the Wichita Mountains.  The first route we climbed was a crack that ascends up to a small ledge, followed by a crux block that gives access to the top of the wall.  The crack was pretty easy 5.5 climbing, though the last piece of pro is placed at the top of the crack, resulting in 20 feet of runout climbing.  After climbing this route a couple of times, I took a rightward trending variation that was slightly more exposed 5.6-5.7 climbing, again well above the last piece of pro.  There were several water streaks farther right of the crack, which others climb when top roping.  We didn't climb these streaks since there was nowhere to place pro, meaning we would of had to free solo 40 feet.

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