Friday, January 03, 2025

McCormick’s Creek State Park - Indiana

 McCormick's Creek State Park is one of many excellent state parks in Indiana. That may be a surprise to some, but yes, Indiana has some really great parks. I explored McCormick's on a gloomy New Years day. There is a gorge to hike through, sink holes to dodge, and even a cave to crawl through. I made my way into the middle of the cave, shut off my light source, and then became engulfed in total blackness and silence. Awesome and freaky all at once. In addition, I hiked across a scar in the forest, the site of an EF3 tornado that flattened every single tree during March 2023. More like a scene out of a battlefield and again kind of eerie. Click [here] for a google map of McCormick's Creek State Park.

Looking back toward the entrance of a wild Indiana cave in McCormick's Creek State Park.

Another view of the cave entrance.

Yet another view of a cave entrance.

Remnant of what I assume is a collapsed cave.

EF3 tornado damage.

An ancient 200-400 million year old sea creature/sea shell.

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Kanarra Falls - Utah

 I hiked an easy couple of miles out to Kanarra Falls in Utah during early march. It was a nice hike, although slightly muddy in sections du...