Sunday, March 09, 2025

Zebra Slot Canyon // Utah

 Another cold night spent at a trailhead, this time for Zebra Slot Canyon located near Escalante, Utah. I emerged out of my sleeping bag shortly after sunrise and started trekking across easy terrain toward Zebra. After a few miles, I entered a wash, and then entered the narrow chasm. I encountered knee deep water that I cautiously waded through, checking every next step so as to avoid plunging into a deep pot hole. After the water, I had to stem over several canyon sections that were too narrow for me to fit through. I then reached the most interesting part of the canyon filled with smooth streamlined rock walls and wavy formations, all of which could indeed be interpreted as zebra-like...thus the name of the canyon was appropriate. I then exited upwards and ran into a deep pot hole with smooth side walls that I was not at all confident I could climb out of. Not wanting to turn an epically awesome canyon experience into a tragedy, I turned around and retraced my steps back to the original entrance. Zebra slot canyon is pretty awesome, though short, and it offered a brief introduction into slot canyon stemming technique.

 Google map of Zebra Slot Canyon can be found here

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Zebra Slot Canyon // Utah

 Another cold night spent at a trailhead, this time for Zebra Slot Canyon located near Escalante, Utah. I emerged out of my sleeping bag sho...