Sunday, July 15, 2012

Longs Peak via the Keyhole Route

I summited Longs Peak via the Keyhole Route on Saturday July 14th.  Just above treeline, my climbing partner had to turn around due to altitude sickness.  I continued onwards, reaching the Keyhole just before sunrise.  I met another solo climber at the Keyhole, and we agreed to team up during the remainder of the route.  We traversed across the Ledges, and then made the grueling ascent up the Trough.  Wisely, I wore a helmet up the Trough, which almost came into use as a group ahead of me knocked a bowling ball size rock that came flying down the slope...stopping just short of where I was standing.  At the top of the Trough, I took the left side up and around the Chockstone, then met another group of guys that I joined across the Narrows and up the Homestretch.  All of the hype about the Narrows is a bit overstated.  The exposure is very mild and not even close to terrifying, as described in other trip reports.  The final pitch up the Homestretch went by quickly, and suddenly I found myself on top of the expansive summit plateau of Longs at around 745 am.  I spent the next 30 minutes resting, refueling/hydrating, taking pictures, and talking with the group of guys I ascended with.  The tough part was still ahead of me...descending the Homestretch, then the Trough, and then safely navigating back across the Ledges.  Despite my tired legs, everything went by without a hitch.  After departing the Keyhole for a second time, the long slog back to the trailhead was miserable.

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